Secretary Inpex Corporation

Inpex Masela Ltd

INPEX CORPORATION is an oil & gas exploration and production company based in Japan. The mission of INPEX is to provide a stable and efficient supply of energy to our customer by exploring and developing oil and natural gas resources throughout the world. In Indonesia, INPEX is acting as Kontraktor Kontrak Kerjasama (KKKS) with BP Migas for many upstream projects since 1966. INPEX is the operator of Masela Block (Abadi project) offshore Maluku, Arafura Sea, Indonesia. INPEX is pressing ahead with technical and engineering studies of the Abadi field development for future commercial Floating LNG production.

Currently we have a position open in our Jakarta office for a:



  • Preferably graduated from Secretarial Academy,
  • 15+ years experience as Sr. Secretary, with at least 5 years of which as Secretary to the Director’s level; non oil and gas industry experience is welcome;
  • Female with minimum age of 40 years old and has pleasant personality;
  • Fluent and effective oral and written communication skill in English and Bahasa Indonesia; Ability in oral and written communication in Japanese is an advantage;
  • Computer Literacy. Must have working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, Word, Outlook, and Power Point;
  • Able to work well in a team and willing to work hard to meet deadlines;
  • Good managerial and leadership skills.

Interested applicants who fully meet the above requirement are encouraged to send their comprehensive CV in English with one recent photo (max. 150KB) to: not later than 30th October 2010. Please quote the position you apply in your email subject.

All applications will be kept strictly confidential. INPEX home page: http:/

One comment
  1. Dear Sirs,

    I really interested with the above position and I would like to apply. I knew that it was a bit late from the deadline to submit the application letter.
    I will furnish my resume and application letter soonest possible. I have all the requirement you needed.

    Thank you for your kind attention.


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