ToT Consultant IFC Agribusiness Project

Training of Trainers (ToT) Consultant – for IFC Agribusiness FTC Coffee Project in Indonesia

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, fosters sustainable economic growth in developing countries by financing private sector investment, mobilizing private capital in local and international financial markets, and providing advisory services to businesses and governments. IFC’s vision is to assist poor people to escape poverty and improve their lives through the development of the private sector.

IFC in Indonesia combines Investment and Advisory Services to expand access to finance, improve access to infrastructure, strengthen commodity based value chains, and improve the business climate, while incorporating the thread of climate change across all programs.

In Indonesia, IFC and its partner have commenced a project in North Sumatra to establish “Farmer Training Centre (FTC)” with purpose to encourage farmers to apply sustainable agricultural practices and to improve the quality and the yield of their production in order to increase their income. IFC now is seeking to engage Training of Trainers (ToT) Consulting Firm and Individual Consultants (Short-Term Contract) to support the project.

Individual Consultant for Smallholder Farmer Business Management (code: SFBM)

Main Responsibilities:

  • Provide training material and conduct training on extension techniques and tools
  • Provide standard operating procedures (SOP) on establishing demo plots, farmer meeting, farmer field day, performance award for coffee farmer, and farmer exchange visits. This SOP need to include gender issues
  • Coach and facilitate the extension workers on how to run farmer workshops, focus group discussion, making extension plan and calendar of activities.

Selection Criteria:

  • Demonstrated experience and capacity in Training of Trainers (ToT)
  • Substantial experience in extension techniques and tools
  • Having experience in farm input product promotion is preferred
  • Previous coffee supply chain related experience in Indonesia, prefer North Sumatra and/or Aceh
  • Indonesian nationals are preferred

Employment Type: Short-Term Contract (approximately 40 effective days)

Individual Consultant for Good Agricultural and Sustainable Practices for Coffee Production (code: GASP)

Main responsibilities:

  • Improve the capacity of IFC’s partner field staffs and selected government extension workers in following specific and practical topics: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with focus on Coffey Berry Borer (CBB) Management, Introduction of Shade Tree Types and Its Benefits in Coffee Production, Soil Conservation and Erosion Management for sustainability coffee production, Coffee Tree Canopy and Pruning Management for better yield, Weed Management and the Benefits of Ground Clearing, Harvest and Harvest Handling for Specialty Coffee Markets, and Waste Management for Environment and Specialty Coffee Markets.
  • Provide training and extension material for public use including written material and VCD. The consultant is expected provide its internal or external partner operator to make a video tapping all explanation in training sessions in order to produce VCD for public extension purposes.

Selection Criteria:

  • Demonstrated experience and capacity in Training of Trainers (ToT)
  • Substantial experience in good agriculture and sustainability practices, specifically for coffee production
  • Previous coffee supply chain related experience in North Sumatera and/or Aceh preferred
  • Indonesian and International applicants are welcomed

Employment Type: Short-Term Contract (approximately 50 effective days)

Consulting Firm for Soil Fertility and Coffee Nutrition Management Specialist (code: SFCN)

Main Responsibilities

  • Review the existing soil fertility and coffee nutrition management in IFC’s Partner supply chain
  • Identify existing easier and cheaper source of organic material for compost
  • Assess the capacity of IFC’s Partner field staff in above subject.
  • Provide training material and conduct training for IFC’s Partner field staff on the above subject including: (a) soil and coffee leaves sampling techniques for fertilizer recommendation purposes; (b) sample handling management to laboratory; (c) how to read soil and leaves fertility status in relation to fertilizer recommendation; (d) how to make compost and its application to the crop
  • Work with IFC’s Partner field staffs in collecting soil and leaves sampling and then provide soil fertilizer recommendation for coffee growing areas around Toba and Takengon (North Aceh) areas.
  • Provide practical training on making compost.
  • Provide video tape regarding soil sampling techniques and how to make and apply compost

Selection Criteria:

  • Demonstrated experience and capacity in Training of Trainers (ToT)
  • Substantial experience in soil fertility management, specifically for coffee production
  • Having experience in compost production, preferably using coffee parchment waste
  • Previous coffee supply chain related experience in North Sumatera and/or Aceh preferred
  • Indonesian firms are preferred

Employment Type: Short-Term Contract (approximately 40 effective days)

The consultants will be stationed in Medan, North Sumatra.

Please submit your expression of interest including a company profile with a list of past relevant projects for consulting firm applicants and CV for individual applicants with relevant code stated in the subject line to: by June 10, 2009. Only short-listed candidates will be notified. No telephone calls, faxes or letters will be accepted

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